Squarespace Google Search Console

Squarespace, a popular website design platform, can now display Google Search Console reporting. Up until now, users had to verify their website with Google before being able to access Google Search Console Reports.

However, Google has now announced via Twitter that the reports are now embedded within the Squarespace portal itself, making access and analysis significantly easier. Squarespace users will now be able to see exactly how users found each one of your pages in search.

This is a huge analytical tool for those who use Squarespace, since it will allow them to deep dive into exactly how each page on their website was found, and according to Google, even find “queries, clicks, and impressions at page-level.”

What is Google Search Console Reporting?

It is safe to assume that many of the users who utilize Squarespace do not know very much about search analytics tools or how to best utilize them. One of the main selling points of the website building tool is its user-friendliness and how easy it is to set up and manage your website.

This means that while Squarespace does have a ton of users who know the ins and outs of analyzing and managing their website, there are also users who need as much help as they can get. Not everyone who owns or runs a website is good with tech, in fact, many users do not know much about technology at all.

Although there are so many website building tools these days that make it relatively easy to build your own website, it is not as simple as just setting up, going live, and hoping for the best. There is a lot that goes into monitoring, managing, and maintaining your website and ensuring good search results. Google Search Console is basically a free service that Google offers to help people monitor, maintain, and troubleshoot how your site is doing in Google searches.

Everyone who has a website, from newbies or those without much traffic to big-time brands, should utilize Google Search Console as a way of managing and monitoring their website. The data and analytics that these reports provide are essential for running a successful website and keeping it visible.

How does Google Search Console Reporting Improve Squarespace?

The addition of Google Search Console Reports to the Squarespace platform is only good news, both for the website building tool itself and for its users.

The number of people using Squarespace to build their websites has been steadily climbing since it is launch in 2004. There are now over 3.5 million websites using Squarespace.

For users, these reports have opened up a whole new world of analytics that will allow them to better manage their websites and track their search engine rankings, as well as a better ability to deep dive into any problem areas or better optimize pages.

For Squarespace itself, this could mean a massive boost in the number of newcomers who decide to build their website using this platform. It is safe to say that many people looking to start a website will take into consideration the fact that they can now access Google Search Console Reports through Squarespace.

The Squarespace Analytics panel is also user-friendly and easy to read. It makes it simple for even the most tech-illiterate person to deep-dive into the otherwise complex analysis process.

For those who are relatively tech-literate, or know how to verify websites with Google Search Console and read the results, this may not seem like such a big deal. But for the multitudes of users who are not very tech-savvy, but who extensively use their website as a basis for their livelihood, this change could mean a big boost in their business.

To set up Google Search Console reporting via Squarespace, book a Planning Session with the SEO specialists at RizzoYoung.com.