Twitter and Instagram Advertising: Why Marketers Now Double-Down on These Platforms

In the fast-moving world of social media content, Twitter and Instagram advertising became marketing havens for businesses. Originally, Twitter’s founders designed the platform as a micro-blogging site, hence the character limit.

Meanwhile, Instagram’s vibrant visuals offer room for creative freedom to advertisers. But how do these platforms lend themselves to the 2022 digital marketing scene?

Benefits of Twitter and Instagram Advertising

Implementing Personalized Twitter Advertising

As businesses implement their Twitter and Instagram advertising strategy, Twitter still stands out as a relatively unique platform. Used primarily as a communication tool, Twitter relies on its micro-blogging roots. Similar to alternative social media platforms, Twitter also benefits from its sense of community. By doing so, it leaves marketers with a plethora of components to reach their target audience.

Through its communication style, Twitter advertisers benefit from rapid-fire updates pertaining to sales promotions, holiday hours, upcoming events, and more. In addition, Twitter brands capitalizing off personalized direct messaging hold the unique ability to separate private conversations from the general public. Notably, many companies use their Twitter presence as a modern customer service channel, sometimes in tandem with a toll-free number or webchat tool.

Finally, Twitter mastered the art of hashtags. While hashtags had various use-case scenarios around the web, Twitter integrated them in 2007. Since doing so, hashtags remain at the forefront of the platform’s competition differentiation. This allows users to seamlessly jump to trending topics.

Harnessing Visual Instagram Advertising

On the visual side of your Twitter and Instagram advertising strategy, the latter represents one of the most visually intuitive social media platforms. Also, Instagram remains one of the most populous, behind only Facebook, WhatsApp, and YouTube with around 2 billion monthly users.

Comparable to Twitter, Instagram also benefits from tactical hashtag implementation. However, its true strength lies in imagery. For visual brands (such as those pertaining to fashion, food, and travel), Instagram fully embodies the “show, don’t tell” mindset. As a matter of fact, nearly 80% of all Instagram users follow at least one business account.

Furthermore, Instagram came complete with “stories” prior to other social media platforms following suit. After Facebook (now Meta) acquired Instagram back in 2012, the company worked to link its family of businesses together. Due to this, storytelling effortlessly blends brands’ Instagram and Facebook presence together.

Launching Your Twitter and Instagram Advertising Strategy

Although Instagram was founded over 10 years ago, and Twitter was founded over 15 years ago, countless businesses around the world are just launching their Twitter and Instagram advertising. More so, many other businesses dedicate resources to rework their strategy for 2022 and beyond.

Regardless of how far along your business has come in its social media lifespan, there is never a wrong time to enhance your digital footprint. For help with launching your social media marketing strategy, book an Intro Conversation with the digital advertising and branding specialists at Rizzo Young Marketing LLC.